
Accredited for .SRL and .LTDA

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By TLD Admin

If you are the owner of an S.r.l. cmopany in Italy or Romania or run a Ltda in Latin America, or Spain, the gTLDs .SRL and .LTDA can become your digital identifier.


.SRL is a top level domain for the business sector with a strong focus on the Latin American and Italian market. S.R.L. is the abbreviation for limited liability companies in Italy and several Latin American countries like Argentina, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay. Depending on the country they are called “Società a Responsabilità Limitata” or “Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada”. Overall, there are more than 6 million companies of this type around the world.

To be eligible to register a .SRL domain you need to accept the registration policies of the registry which you can find at It is important to remember that only limited liability companies as defined in the registry’s Eligibility and Acceptable Use Policy are entitled to register a .SRL domain.

.LTDA offers a large name space for those looking for a new domain name to improve their company’s online presence. Successfully launched in 2014 as part of ICANN‘s New gTLD Program, the .LTDA domain is offering a wide variety of names to choose from. .LTDA focuses on the more than 6 million limited liability companies that are using the Ltda. abbreviation in their names. This business community is mainly present in Latin America (e.g. Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador).

The .LTDA name space offers your company the unique opportunity to present your business in a modern, trustworthy and professional way.

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